Developing Housing
Solutions on
Cortes Island

Through collaborative efforts and community input, we are developing
housing solutions so every Cortes resident has a place to call home.

Cortes Island Housing Society

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Latest News

Rental Subsidy Programs

Rental Subsidy Programs

Did you know that BC Housing offers two rental subsidy programs?  One is for families and the other is for seniors.  Check out their on-line calculator to see how much you could save every month:

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Proposed Zoning Changes on Cortes

Proposed Zoning Changes on Cortes

Perhaps you’ve heard that the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is updating the zoning bylaws that govern development on Cortes.  These bylaws should have been updated to reflect the Official Community Plan (OCP) over a decade ago. As a result, our currently bylaws are quite outdated and this update is a very important opportunity to shape housing on island for the next decade.

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Aquifer Study

Aquifer Study

With all this rain, it’s hard to imagine that our island’s natural water systems are vulnerable. Looking to other islands in our region and recognizing changing climates, we absolutely need to be working to protect and preserve our below-ground fresh water. We have recently received notice from the Real Estate Foundation of BC that we were awarded a grant to conduct an aquifer health assessment for Cortes to progress this work here. 

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Rainbow Ridge News

Rainbow Ridge News

A big thank you to everyone who pitched in at our work bee on Tuesday. “Many hands make light work”. We were amazed by how much was accomplished in two hours. Our beautiful trails are easier to navigate without the prickles!

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Cortes Community Land Trust is Born

Cortes Community Land Trust is Born

Join the Cortes Housing Society to take a tour and share your ideas for how we can make the most of this great new community asset!

BC Housing Funding Update

BC Housing Funding Update

Responding to the urgency of the Cortes housing crisis, we, the CHS have wanted to explore many more avenues of creating housing on the island.

Is Homesharing a good solution for you and for Cortes?

Is Homesharing a good solution for you and for Cortes?

Homesharing is gaining in popularity as a way for people with an extra bedroom to produce some income and have company around the house. Homesharing services help to vet potential tenants and connect them with people that have an extra room.

Cortes Housing Forum Report is Here

Cortes Housing Forum Report is Here

On December 2nd, 2023 over 125 people gathered together and on-line to share perspectives on housing solutions for Cortes. On that day, we also launched a housing survey that had over 250 responses over the following week.

Explore the Trades Directory

Connecting residents with local professionals for home improvement, construction, landscaping and more, making it easy to find recommended services in the region.

Cortes Island Housing Society

Explore the Trades Directory

Connecting residents with local professionals for home improvement, construction, landscaping and more, making it easy to find recommended services in the region.

What You Can Do

Three ways you can help.

Stay Informed

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our latest news, events and community activities.

Get Involved

Come to our Open Houses & Forums, follow our Speaker Series, and contribute to our Trades Directory.


Help fund our housing projects and initiatives
with a monthly or one-time donation.

Thank you to our 2023/24 $10K+ funders

And the hundreds of Cortes residents that support our work on an ongoing basis

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